Category: Students
Economics at Bristol: Ee Mun’s experience
Ee Mun graduated with a BSc in Economics and Finance. She discusses her experience of her studies and reasons for choosing to study at Bristol, the support she received as an international student, and how it helped establish her career.
… Bristol Talks Economics: Jonathan Haskel, Bristol alumnus
Bristol Talks Economics continued in December, welcoming Professor Jonathan Haskel. University of Bristol alumnus, Jonathan is Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School and Director of the Doctoral Programme at the School.
… Bristol Festival of Economics Student Review – ‘Ask an Economist’ with Malindi Myers
Ask an Economist: Bank of England Monetary Policy Report with Malindi Myers, presented at Bristol Festival of Economics in November, review by undergraduate student Ben Pimley.
Malindi Myers, as the South West Agent of the Bank of England, is one of the best-placed experts to talk about the real impact Covid-19 is having on the UK economy.…
Bristol Festival of Economics Student Review – Ha-Joon Chang asks ‘What next after globalisation?’
This November saw the return of the annual Bristol Festival of Economics by Festival of Ideas. Undergraduate student Ben Pimley provides a review of Economist Ha-Joon Chang’s talk, ‘What Next After Globalisation?’
Ha-Joon Chang may be a household name to many young economists given that he wrote the Personal Statement staple ’23 Things They Don’t Teach You About Capitalism’, but as an academic economist at Cambridge University he is particularly interested in the role of the state in economic policy.…
Work-from-home tax, inequality, furlough: What do the experts say?
Staff at the University of Bristol’s School of Economics grapple with COVID-19 related economic questions. Where does the expert consensus lie? Find out in the third blog of the ‘ask the expert’ series from undergraduate student, Ethan Lester.
… Bristol Talks Economics: Jacob Goldstein
The ‘Bristol Talks Economics’ series is organised by students within the School of Economics. We recently caught up with Ben Pimley who has been heavily involved with securing high-profile speakers for recent talks such as Tim Harford, and the Planet Money podcast co-host Jacob Goldstein.
… Economics and Journalism Seminar with Rachana Shanbhogue – Student Review
Undergraduate Economics student, Hugo Figueiredo provides a review of the recent Bristol Talks seminar with Rachana Shanbhogue – Finance Editor at The Economist.
The seminar began with Rachana detailing her academic and professional career path, where she detailed her Masters in Economics at Cambridge, working for the Bank of England, House of Commons and, most recently, Finance Editor at The Economist.…