Category: Events
There can be no “levelling up” without education recovery
Yesterday saw the resignation of Sir Kevan Collins, leading the Government’s Education Recovery Programme, writes Professor Simon Burgess. The pandemic has hit young people very hard, causing significant learning losses and reduced mental health; the Recovery Programme is intended to rectify these harms and to repair the damage to pupils’ futures.
… The Economics of the European Super League
The idea of a European Super League has been called off, much to the joy of football fans (including me!) around the world. But why did 12 clubs even consider this idea?
… The Budget Statement, 2021
The United Kingdom is spending an unprecedented 407 Billion GBP on mitigating the devastating effect of the pandemic and accelerating recovery by stimulating job creation, investment and purchasing power. The bulk of the financing is planned to come from a progressive increase in corporate taxes which is a highly debated policy issue in academic circles.
… Why the UK’s Coronavirus Bailout Strategy Needs to Change
Economics undergraduate student, Alfie analysed and provided a review of the UK’s Covid-19 bailout strategy for our Economics of Coronavirus blog series.
Alfie wrote the article for our student competition earlier this year, where Economics students were invited to write a blog exploring any economic aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic.…
The local economic impacts of Covid-19 and policy to ‘level-up’ the economy
School of Economics Director of Research, Professor Helen Simpson explores the local impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic on the economy.
Data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has shown very clearly that the impact of Covid-19 has not been felt equally in all areas of the country.…
Coronavirus and inequality: What does it all mean for education?
BSc Philosophy and Economics student, Charlotte explores coronavirus and inequality, looking at what this means for education in her Economics of Coronavirus blog.
Charlotte wrote her blog in response to our student competition earlier this year, where we invited students to write their own Economics of Coronavirus blog exploring any aspect of the Covid-19 pandemic.…
Black Lives Matter
Head of Economics, Professor Sarah Smith explores racial inequality in the UK, reflecting on recent events.
The past few weeks have seen protests around the world, triggered by the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police.…
Premier League salaries during the pandemic
Third-year BSc Economics and Politics student, Pravin discusses Premier League salaries during the COVID-19 pandemic in his Economics of Coronavirus blog.
Pravin wrote his blog in response to our call-out for Economics of Coronavirus competition entries earlier this year, and was announced as the competition winner – his prize to have his blog featured on the Discover Economics website, promoted to Financial Times subscribers.…
Cummings and Goings
This week, the press has been dominated by the Dominic Cummings’ trip to Durham in search of childcare, in breach of the spirit if not the strict letter, of the social distancing law that he himself had been partly responsible for.…